Episode 68: Seeking Deeper Truths with Brett Hill

 Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years, but what does it mean? Today’s guest is modern mystic and mindfulness communication expert Brett Hill. He’s here to talk with us about spirituality, mindfulness and the mindfulness coaching business he started to help others move toward deeper truths and a higher level of awareness. Make … Read more

Episode 67: Moving Toward a Place of Healing with John Malanca

 In October of 2017, John Malanca lost his wife, Corinne, to pancreatic cancer. Today, he’s here to talk to us about moving toward a place of healing and the business he and Corinne built together, which he has continued in her honor.  Be Truthful With Yourself Some things are within your control. Others aren’t. … Read more

Episode 66: Breaking Up With Perfectionism with Katelyn Parsons

 Perfectionism is a significant barrier to living authentically—particularly when you don’t consider yourself a perfectionist. Perfectionism isn’t necessarily about being perfect. Instead, many people use it as a tool to avoid difficult emotions. It’s also inextricably linked with our relationship with food, which we’ll discuss later in this episode.  Today’s guest is Katelyn Parsons. … Read more

Your Life Is a Symphony and You’re the Conductor

Your Life is a Symphony and You’re the Conductor

High-level executives, founders and entrepreneurs are unique in the sense that their insatiable drive to succeed, produce, compete, create, provide, build and conquer is hard to turn off. Boundaries between their professional life and personal life are severely blurred, almost to the point where both are inextricably intertwined.   This type of model may be thrilling … Read more

Episode 65: Finding Your Depth with Brad Milford

 Brad A. Milford’s journey began with a paper route when he was child. Through hard work, dedication and a willingness to learn from challenges and failures, he’s now the CEO of Build Brilliance — a company dedicated to providing exceptional consulting and coaching services to help businesses grow and thrive.  Brad is here with … Read more

Episode 64: Creating a Life of Legacy with Rabbi Daniel Cohen

 Welcome to Episode 64 of Live Authentically. On today’s episode, Pam is discussing living lives of legacy with Rabbi Daniel Cohen. Cohen is a mentor, guide and motivator who spins timeless wisdom into narratives that speak to all of us. The simple stories and strategies he teaches highlight the best of who we are … Read more

Episode 63: Elevate Your Consciousness with Sam Liebowitz

 Today’s guest, Sam Liebowitz, is a healer, coach, mentor and author of Amazon three-category best-seller, “Everyday Awakening”. Liebowitz’s goal in life is to help people achieve their true potential spiritually as well in the business world.  Liebowitz does many things to help out other people. He has an internet radio station on TalkRadio.NYC for … Read more

12 Easy, High-Vibe Recipes

12 Easy, High-Vibe Recipes

Ok, I admit it, I love grocery shopping. Why? Because I get to buy all these amazing foods to nourish my body. I love running through the produce section (that’s my version of a kid in a candy store) and then coming home, cranking the music, and doing my food prep for the week.  A … Read more

Episode 62: Knowing and Pursuing Your Potential with David Meltzer

 Look around you. Are you happy? That’s a big question, so let’s rephrase it. Do you have the tools that will empower you to become happy? You might, but you might not. Today’s guest is David Meltzer. He’s an internationally bestselling author, host of “The Playbook” podcast and co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing. Variety … Read more