Awaken the Divine Feminine Within You

Awaken the Divine Feminine Within You

Last week, we introduced the concept of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies. As a refresher, we all embody divine masculine and divine feminine energies in varying degrees, and when the energies are balanced, we achieve a state of wholeness and completion.   When we achieve this state of wholeness and completion, we will have … Read more

Episode 47: Humanizing Your Professional Brand with Joshua B. Lee

   How do you step into living in an authentic space, not just in your personal life, but in your professional life too? There is more to living authentically than just “being yourself”. Living authentically comes from hard work, appreciation and perhaps most importantly, building relationships. Entrepreneur, business owner, coach and author Joshua B. … Read more

5 Life-Changing Ways to Invest In Yourself

5 Life-Changing Ways to Invest In Yourself

Last week, we talked about getting in the mindset on how to invest in yourself. We want to get back to that mindset, so let’s pick up where we left off.  What’s your most valuable asset? YOU.  You are your most important asset.  Everything in this world stems from the relationship you have with yourself … Read more

Episode 46: Reconnecting to Your Authentic Voice with Sydney Weiss

 Coping with pain and discomfort is difficult for anyone. How do we see the positive aspects of overwhelming situations? How can we be kinder to ourselves and allow ourselves to grow? Podcast host and joy-seeking expert, Sydney Weiss, says you have to start before you’re ready.  For the past few years, Sydney has been … Read more

YOU Are Your Most Valuable Asset

YOU Are Your Most Valuable Asset

As 2020 comes to a close, I’m finding myself reflecting on all that’s happened this year.  Life as we knew it turned totally upside down, and we’ve had to find our new groove in this new world.  I’ve thought a lot about where I was, going into the pandemic, where I am now, and where … Read more

Episode 45: Discovering the Power of Choice and Love with Farooq Shah

 We all go through challenging and traumatic experiences in our lives. How do we establish a belief system to get through those challenges? Is it worth the pain and suffering to accomplish your goals? Author, thought leader and spiritual teacher, Farooq Shah says it is absolutely worth it. Farooq’s life has been riddled with … Read more

6 Immune System Boosters

6 Immune System Boosters

With the number of COVID cases on the rise, I wanted to dedicate some time and energy to talking about ways we can stay as healthy as possible.  Limiting our exposure and keeping our external environment as germ-free as possible are important, and there are also several natural and powerful things we can do to … Read more

Episode 44: Healing the Spiritually Sick Soul with Dan Reeves

Recovery from addiction is a difficult journey no matter the circumstances. Not only does addiction impact the person suffering from it, but also those around them. What many do not realize is that trauma and addiction affect more than your physical self, but also your spiritual self. Today’s podcast guest, Dan Reeves, discusses how his … Read more

The Power of Plants Can Change Your Life

The Power of Plants Can Change Your Life

Inspiration for this newsletter brought to you by… a conversation with my 9-year-old daughter. The other morning while we were having breakfast, my youngest daughter asked me, “When you eat unhealthy foods, what happens in your body?” I thought to myself, “Oh boy, where do I even start? Do you have a few hours?” She … Read more