Setting Standards: An Important Part in Your Journey

Setting Standards: An Important Part in Your Journey

I was having a convo with a friend recently. She said, “Why do you think I keep attracting guys who treat me like this?” The sobering truth is that we attract what we think we deserve.  Let’s call a spade a spade, we’ve all been there before.  I’ve been there before.  No judgements.  Recognizing it … Read more

Episode 39: Empowering the Female Entrepreneur with Marta Spirk

Self-love is easier said than done. We often depend on others to feel accomplished and empowered. How do we find a balance between working with others and working on ourselves? Business mentor, writer, interpreter and empowerment expert, Marta Spirk, has a keen insight into self-love and self-care.  Marta works with individuals and groups of women … Read more

Chaos Needs to Happen to Facilitate Change

Chaos Needs to Happen to Facilitate Change

Being authentic means being raw and real, and telling it like it is.   So that said, do you want a little glimpse into the behind the scenes of my world these last few weeks?   Okay, here goes… First off, let me just frame this by saying that I can’t remember a time in my life … Read more

5 Easy Ways to Create a Better Future for Yourself

5 Easy Ways to Create a Better Future for Yourself

I hear it all the time…”I fucked up this life, maybe I’ll get it right next life.” There are some ways to create a better future for yourself. To which I say – “No. You’re 45. You could be here for several more decades. You’re gonna just throw in the towel and ride out the … Read more

How Making Your Bed Can Change the World

How Making Your Bed Can Change the World

I heard this phrase for the first time recently and it really grabbed my attention:  “If you want to change the world, make your bed!”  It was said by Admiral William McRaven during his Navy Seal Speech to the class of 2014. At first it may sound a little silly…how could making your bed possibly … Read more

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

Wanna know the secret to tapping into your true power?   Alignment. Your POWER is accessed from spiritual alignment. Period, end of the story.   Not from action alone, from effort alone, nor from slaying it – but from ALIGNMENT.  Read that again. What is Spiritual Alignment Anyways? My book SOAR speaks about alignment and makes a … Read more

When Was the Last Time You Took a Leap of Faith?

When Was the Last Time You Took a Leap of Faith?

Why is the concept of taking a leap of faith so powerful?  Because everything you want opens up to you after you take the leap of faith. We don’t know what’s waiting for us on the other side until after we take that leap.  Do you keep hearing the whisper to leap, but aren’t quite … Read more

6 Little Secrets to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Journey

6 Little Secrets to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Journey

Spiritual evolution is no walk in the park, that’s for sure.  It takes work and a lot of it.  Growth and transformation take a sustained effort over a long period of time. While there’s no expressway through it, there are some things that will accelerate your journey. I just released my first book, SOAR, which … Read more