Get Your Life Together Starter Kit

Get Your Life Together Starter Kit

Have you ever felt like you need to get your life together but just don’t know where to start? Do you feel like life is getting the best of you? Are you not able to bring your A-game to everything you do? Good news… …I created a little starter kit that puts a positive spin … Read more

The Secret to Being a Millionaire


“How do I get more money?” This is one of the top questions I get as a life coach these days. I’ll tell you an important first step to becoming a millionaire in this article. I will show you how to begin the process of opening yourself up to the flow of money. We are … Read more

Want to Change Your Life? Change Your Thoughts

Want to Change Your Life? Change Your Thoughts

I’m teaching my kids how to golf this summer. This past Saturday, I took them to the driving range for the first time. My littlest (who is nine), was pretty frustrated, and understandably so. If you’ve ever played golf before, then you know that everything about the golf swing feels awkward the first time you … Read more

Are You Ready to Live Authentically?

Are You Ready to Live Authentically?

This journey to authenticity…how do you get there? Everyone’s journey to authenticity looks different. In this article, I’ll share with you pieces of my journey to live authentically, in the hopes that it stirs your soul and encourages you to start thinking about how to step into your authentic reality. I’m gonna call a spade a … Read more

Heal the World With Love


This world has undoubtedly had its challenges in recent months. We are still reeling from the devastation COVID-19 has caused on many fronts. While we  try to make strides to unify, heal and stand in solidarity. Above all our country is slammed with acts that highlight that separatism and judgement have stronger undercurrents than we … Read more

Spiritually Radiant is the New Happy

Spiritual radiant

We all know them…people who have this vibe about them that you can’t quite put into words.  They’re effervescent. They overflow with positivity, have limitless energy and charge forward with boundless enthusiasm. They’re uber confident.  They’re magnetic – people are naturally drawn to them.  They just do their thing and let the world observe – … Read more

I Don’t Look for Love; I Let it Find Me

Are you ready for a new approach to dating to find love without using dating websites or apps? Therefore, then you’re going to love this! As many of you know, I let the Universe guide me throughout my life, and it’s the same with dating. It’s unconventional to what many people choose to do, however, … Read more

The Spiritual Way to Becoming Shatterproof


This post is different from my other ones because it gives you a “behind-the-scenes” glimpse into my world. What I’m sharing with you is part of my journey to not just surviving, but thriving in life. It’s my journey to become shatterproof. My world took an unexpected turn on March 8, 2017. Life as I … Read more

You Deserve the Space and Grace to Bloom in Your Own Season

Grace to Bloom in Your Own

Whether or not you’re on social media, I’m sure you’ve felt pressure from others or yourself of all the activities you “should be” doing while the nation goes through this quarantine. You may feel pushed into several directions. “Should be” starting a side hustle. “Should be” learning a new language. “Should be” branding yourself. “Should … Read more

An Open Letter to My Sweet Daughter

5.13 Blog

This week’s blog is based off of an article I got published on Thrive Global. Click here to read the full article.  Dear Sweetest 16-year-old daughter, Remember the day you came to me and said “Mom, I’m stressed because I don’t know what career to choose.”?  I assured you that you don’t have to have … Read more