The Power of Plants Can Change Your Life

The Power of Plants Can Change Your Life

Inspiration for this newsletter brought to you by… a conversation with my 9-year-old daughter. The other morning while we were having breakfast, my youngest daughter asked me, “When you eat unhealthy foods, what happens in your body?” I thought to myself, “Oh boy, where do I even start? Do you have a few hours?” She … Read more

Are You Seeing Signs of Awakening?

Are You Seeing Signs of Awakening?

Ahhhh, finally… The moment I’ve been waiting for. The breakthrough! In the last couple of newsletters, I’ve talked about how life’s been particularly challenging in recent months. It’s been one thing after another, a steady stream of things big and small, testing me in a number of different areas (see prior newsletters for the details!). … Read more

Here’s a Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

Here's a Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

Wanted to let you all know that I am in loooove! with my new morning routine. By now you may have heard me talk about all the stress in the air in recent months — energetically speaking, there’s chaos in the cosmos. I recently wrote about how certain things in my life were shattering, quite … Read more

3 Powerful Ways to Adopt a Growth-based Mindset

3 Powerful Ways to Adopt a Growth-Based Mindset

I’m going to kick this off with an excerpt from by book SOAR: “Everything in the world, from everyday items to momentous movements, started small. It started with one thought. One thought in one person’s mind. I’ve always found this concept fascinating. Think about it for a moment… one thought in one person’s mind became … Read more

Setting Standards: An Important Part in Your Journey

Setting Standards: An Important Part in Your Journey

I was having a convo with a friend recently. She said, “Why do you think I keep attracting guys who treat me like this?” The sobering truth is that we attract what we think we deserve.  Let’s call a spade a spade, we’ve all been there before.  I’ve been there before.  No judgements.  Recognizing it … Read more

Chaos Needs to Happen to Facilitate Change

Chaos Needs to Happen to Facilitate Change

Being authentic means being raw and real, and telling it like it is.   So that said, do you want a little glimpse into the behind the scenes of my world these last few weeks?   Okay, here goes… First off, let me just frame this by saying that I can’t remember a time in my life … Read more

5 Easy Ways to Create a Better Future for Yourself

5 Easy Ways to Create a Better Future for Yourself

I hear it all the time…”I fucked up this life, maybe I’ll get it right next life.” There are some ways to create a better future for yourself. To which I say – “No. You’re 45. You could be here for several more decades. You’re gonna just throw in the towel and ride out the … Read more

How Making Your Bed Can Change the World

How Making Your Bed Can Change the World

I heard this phrase for the first time recently and it really grabbed my attention:  “If you want to change the world, make your bed!”  It was said by Admiral William McRaven during his Navy Seal Speech to the class of 2014. At first it may sound a little silly…how could making your bed possibly … Read more

How Your Choices Help Shift You Toward Conscious Living

How Your Choices Help Shift You Toward Conscious Living

Life is a Series of Choices Chapter 6 of my book SOAR is called “Choice” and I remind my audience that in every moment, we have a choice.  Here is how I kick off Chapter 6: “We often drift through life without realizing that everything we do is a choice. How we spend our time is … Read more

10 Powerful Questions to Help You Simplify Your Life

10 Powerful Questions to Help You Simplify Your Life

When was the last time you’ve taken inventory on your life — every aspect, from how you spend your free time to your surroundings? Life can become complicated, cluttered and fast, without us even realizing it. Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed and we feel like it’s all “too much.” “Too much” was a phrase that … Read more