The New You in 2022

The New You in 2022

This isn’t your typical “what are your new year’s resolutions?” type of message. As you’ve probably gathered by now, my approach is anything but traditional. It’s pretty clear that the time-honored traditional ways of changing behaviors aren’t working. You know the story:  New gym memberships spike in early January and regular gym-goers can’t find an … Read more

Your Power Is In the NOW

Your Power Is In the NOW

Do you ever find yourself deferring your happiness?  Do you ever find yourself fixating on future payoffs, to the point where you totally turn a blind eye to how you’re feeling in the moment? Do you ever tell yourself you’ll be happy down the road when some external condition is met? You see, we’re used … Read more

Creating Possibilities For Unlimited Abundance

Creating Possibilities For Unlimited Abundance

When you hear the word abundance, what comes to mind? Most people think of financial wealth. But the concept of abundance actually runs across all aspects of life:  Love, health, relationships, finances, creativity, you name it. In order to create abundance, you need to embody the feeling first, not just go through the motions. Living … Read more

The Key to Unlocking More Time


Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? Rest assured, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common challenges I help my clients navigate. It’s a struggle that ambitious people much like yourself deal with all too often. Let me start with this universal truth:  Time is the most precious resource you … Read more

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality

Did you know that the majority of our lives are run by our subconscious mind? The majority is about 95%, according to the New Scientist.  Can you believe it’s that high? You can think of the subconscious mind as a program running behind the scenes. While it may appear that we run our lives from … Read more

Cosmic Winks from the Universe

Cosmic Winks from the Universe

In the last article, I promised you that I would tell you the secret to having it all. I still will, but first we are taking a slight detour courtesy of the universe.  This week it wants me to illustrate how when we stay open and connected to ourselves, the universe, and our purpose, synchronicities … Read more

Are You Stepping Into Your Fullest Potential?

Are You Stepping Into Your Fullest Potential

I believe that everyone needs to spend some time at the outer limits of their capacity in order to fully understand their true human potential. If you don’t push yourself to the extremes, how will you ever really know what you’re capable of? Periods of intense pressure are a gift because that’s where we learn … Read more

What Do You Really Want?

What Do You Really Want

Do you ever feel like you’re drifting along, living your life according to somebody else’s dream? Do you ever feel like you’re trying to satisfy social expectations? Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in the shallow end, and not finding any deep fulfillment? Do you ever feel like it’s been a while since you … Read more

Ignite the Spark Within

Ignite With Spark

Said bluntly, my client Myke is kicking ass. From our very first conversation, it was obvious to me that Myke is here to revolutionize the world.  I could quite literally feel his soul wanting to expand and prompt humanity to make seismic shifts. He already had the old-school work ethic thing mastered, and brought a … Read more

Stop Treating Life Like it’s One Big Emergency

Stop Treating Life Like it's One Big Emergency

Do you ever find yourself rushing around, working at such a feverish pace that you’re barely even paying attention to what you’re doing? Do you ever feel like you get into these modes where you’re treating life like it’s one big emergency? I know I sure do from time to time. Last week was one … Read more