Vino with Pam Savino

Vino with Pam Savino

Hey there! I’m Pam. I’ve made so many new connections recently and thought I’d do a little “get to know you” piece, so you know a little more about me and what I do. First off, I so appreciate you taking the time to be here.  Who you spend your time with is a choice, … Read more

Let’s Talk About Stress, Baby!

Let’s Talk About Stress, Baby!

Anybody else feeling the megadose of stress out there lately? There’s chaos in the cosmos, my friends, and stress levels are at all-time highs. As if the cumulative stresses from the pandemic weren’t enough, we’re dealing with political challenges, and uncertainty in the financial markets, all layered on top of normal, everyday responsibilities. Many of … Read more

Legendary Leaders Are Like Butterflies

Legendary Leaders Are Like Butterflies

I just heard a little story recently that really grabbed me, and I wanted to share it with you, as it has powerful lessons that apply to leadership and life in general, and shows how strength comes after the struggle. The Butterfly Story A man was observing a butterfly trying to get out of its … Read more

How to Boost Your Memory In Business

How to Boost your Memory in Business

How do you feel like you’re doing in the memory department?   A good memory is something that will give you a leading edge in business, and in life. Good news is that wherever you are, memory skills are like any other skill – when practiced and paired with a healthy lifestyle, you can enhance your … Read more

Can you ever really trust another human being, Greg

Can you ever really trust another human being, Greg

Jack Byrnes: “I mean, can you ever really trust another human being, Greg?” Greg: “Sure! I think so!” Jack Byrnes: “No. The answer is you cannot.” I just couldn’t write an article about trust without a little age-old wisdom from Jack Byrnes.  Any other Meet the Parents fans out there? Ahhh trust.  The cornerstone of … Read more

Retire from What?

Retire from what

Have you given any thought to what you want to do when you retire? Recently I was asked what I want to do when I retire. My response:  Retire from what? I mean, dream job, dream life, helping other leaders live and lead authentically.  I can’t imagine ever choosing to walk away from this. The … Read more

Keep Your Cool: Calmness in Leadership is Key

Keep Your Cool Calmness in Leadership is Key

Guys.  This is sooooooo cool.  I just had one of those “*Cosmic wink* – I got you girl” moments from the universe recently, and I’m excited to share how it can help you in your business and in your life. We all know them… Those leaders who manage to remain calm, cool, and collected regardless … Read more

Leadership Lessons from the Golf Course

Leadership Lessons from the Golf Course

I spent this past weekend on the west coast, and got to spend some time with my cousins on the golf course. They’re all avid golfers who get to play in the gorgeous SoCal weather year-round, and it was such a treat to play with people who make it look so easy. Our day on … Read more

To Partner or Not to Partner – That is the Question

To Partner or Not to Partner - That is the Question

Ahhhh the idea of partnerships… It’s an intriguing one, isn’t it? Whether we’re talking business ideas or romantic relationships, that fresh-out-of-oven energy – nothing quite like it.   The exhilaration of launching a business with someone and the dopamine rush that comes from sparks flying – it’s all pretty intoxicating.  (I mean, who doesn’t love a … Read more

Infusing Spirituality into Business – A Total Game-Changer

Infusing Spirituality into Business - A Total Game-Changer

Ok so here goes…the “S” word.  We’re doing this. Spirituality.   Let me first just say that the term spirituality isn’t classically met with a lot of acceptance in business circles, particularly because we’re conditioned to keep our lives somewhat compartmentalized. Business is business, and personal is personal. Kind of the same idea of church … Read more