80 Everyday Ways to Amp Up Your Life In a Big Way

80 Everyday Ways to Amp Up Your Life In a Big Way

Are you ready for some ideas to help you really start living? Are you ready to make your earthly journey the best it can be? Well then this is the article for you. Last week’s article was about the “why’s” of really living.  This week, let’s talk about the “how’s”.  How do you incorporate fulfilling … Read more

Want to Start Really Living? Face Your Own Mortality

Want to Really Start Living Face Your Own Mortality

Let’s talk mortality, shall we?!  I know, I know, a nice bright, cheery, topic this week.  I’m convinced that the day you face and integrate the concept of your own mortality is the day you start really living.   The day that it finally hits you that we all have a finite number of days on … Read more

10 Simple Ways to Keep Stress at Bay

10 Simple Ways to Keep Stress at Bay

In last week’s newsletter, I talked about my recent experience with stress and how I took the opportunity to do some deeper reflection and decide how I was going to get back to bringing my A-game in the self-care department. What emerged was a newly-designed, super solid lifestyle that prioritizes stress management, rest and relaxation. … Read more

How to Invite More Synchronicities into Your Life

How to Invite More Synchronicities into Your Life

Do you ever notice little “coincidences” in your life?  The song that comes on the radio was the song you were just thinking about or the person you were just thinking about calls you out of the blue? These aren’t coincidences at all, because in the spiritual world nothing happens by chance.  Everything that happens … Read more

Your Intuition is Your Most Valuable Asset

Your Intuition is Your Most Valuable Asset

The topic for this week’s newsletter was inspired by the iconic country singer Kenny Rogers.  Do you recognize this well-known song with a catchy tune and profound message? “Every gambler knows That the secret to survivin’ Is knowin’ what to throw away And knowin’ what to keep” “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em … Read more

Kick off your week on Sunday night

Kick off your week on Sunday night

I love weekends because they are filled with lots of family time, rest, and relaxation, and are generally less structured and hurried than my weekdays.  While I like to spend as much time as possible soaking it up, I find that my weeks go smoother and I’m much more productive if I carve out some … Read more

How to Live a Life of No Regrets

How to Live a Life of No Regrets

I thought we’d start this week’s article off with a little game of name that tune. These lyrics are from a classic song popularized by a musical legend.  Do you know what song these lyrics are from? “Regrets, I’ve had a few But then again too few to mention I did what I had to … Read more