Here’s a Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

Here's a Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

Wanted to let you all know that I am in loooove! with my new morning routine. By now you may have heard me talk about all the stress in the air in recent months — energetically speaking, there’s chaos in the cosmos. I recently wrote about how certain things in my life were shattering, quite … Read more

How Your Choices Help Shift You Toward Conscious Living

How Your Choices Help Shift You Toward Conscious Living

Life is a Series of Choices Chapter 6 of my book SOAR is called “Choice” and I remind my audience that in every moment, we have a choice.  Here is how I kick off Chapter 6: “We often drift through life without realizing that everything we do is a choice. How we spend our time is … Read more

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

Wanna know the secret to tapping into your true power?   Alignment. Your POWER is accessed from spiritual alignment. Period, end of the story.   Not from action alone, from effort alone, nor from slaying it – but from ALIGNMENT.  Read that again. What is Spiritual Alignment Anyways? My book SOAR speaks about alignment and makes a … Read more

The Secret to Doing Life Your Way

The Secret to Doing Life Your Way

”We are all on this Earth for a limited time. Sobering as it may be, it’s reality. You have this one life and you deserve to be happy and are entitled to do your life your way.” This quote is from my book SOAR. If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet, then you’re missing out. … Read more

A Message from Above

A Message of Hope

Last Friday my daughter and I decided to stop over at my parents’ (who are almost 74 and 79) house for a visit. While driving, it occurred to me that it was exactly 29 years that day since my dad’s tragic accident. Against all odds, he regained consciousness. Soon thereafter, my family was told that … Read more

The Secret to Living a Luxury Lifestyle

The Secret to Living a Luxury Lifestyle

When people hear the word “luxury,” they often think of the shiny objects associated with that lifestyle.  Fancy cars.  Big houses.  Extravagant vacations.  Flashy jewelry.  Designer clothes.  An overflowing bank account.  The bitter truth is that you can have all of the above, still, be unhappy and unfulfilled, and have no idea where to look … Read more

What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

Spirituality means something different to everyone, and everyone expresses it differently. I describe spirituality as a lifestyle of connection. Connection to self, connection to others, and connection to all that is. It’s a moment to moment practice where I encourage myself to choose the path that moves me forward. In my book SOAR, I give … Read more

What Do You Believe?

What do you believe

“What is spirituality?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get. I describe spirituality as a process whereby we craft our own belief system based on our own life experiences. Spirituality is very much an individual journey that encourages us to take an introspective deep dive into our life experience and find … Read more

Spiritually Radiant is the New Happy

Spiritual radiant

We all know them…people who have this vibe about them that you can’t quite put into words.  They’re effervescent. They overflow with positivity, have limitless energy and charge forward with boundless enthusiasm. They’re uber confident.  They’re magnetic – people are naturally drawn to them.  They just do their thing and let the world observe – … Read more

The Spiritual Way to Becoming Shatterproof


This post is different from my other ones because it gives you a “behind-the-scenes” glimpse into my world. What I’m sharing with you is part of my journey to not just surviving, but thriving in life. It’s my journey to become shatterproof. My world took an unexpected turn on March 8, 2017. Life as I … Read more