Why You Should Live a Holistic Lifestyle

Why You Should Live a Holistic Lifestyle

How would you describe your lifestyle? First, do you prioritize your health and well-being? Second, do you tend to all aspects of your wellness…mind, body and spirit? Third, do you feel energized and full of vitality?  If not, no worries, I got you! In this article, I’m going to give you some ideas for creating … Read more

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

The Secret to Tapping Into Your True Power

Wanna know the secret to tapping into your true power?   Alignment. Your POWER is accessed from spiritual alignment. Period, end of the story.   Not from action alone, from effort alone, nor from slaying it – but from ALIGNMENT.  Read that again. What is Spiritual Alignment Anyways? My book SOAR speaks about alignment and makes a … Read more

When Was the Last Time You Took a Leap of Faith?

When Was the Last Time You Took a Leap of Faith?

Why is the concept of taking a leap of faith so powerful?  Because everything you want opens up to you after you take the leap of faith. We don’t know what’s waiting for us on the other side until after we take that leap.  Do you keep hearing the whisper to leap, but aren’t quite … Read more

6 Little Secrets to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Journey

6 Little Secrets to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Journey

Spiritual evolution is no walk in the park, that’s for sure.  It takes work and a lot of it.  Growth and transformation take a sustained effort over a long period of time. While there’s no expressway through it, there are some things that will accelerate your journey. I just released my first book, SOAR, which … Read more

The Secret to Doing Life Your Way

The Secret to Doing Life Your Way

”We are all on this Earth for a limited time. Sobering as it may be, it’s reality. You have this one life and you deserve to be happy and are entitled to do your life your way.” This quote is from my book SOAR. If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet, then you’re missing out. … Read more

A Message from Above

A Message of Hope

Last Friday my daughter and I decided to stop over at my parents’ (who are almost 74 and 79) house for a visit. While driving, it occurred to me that it was exactly 29 years that day since my dad’s tragic accident. Against all odds, he regained consciousness. Soon thereafter, my family was told that … Read more

The Secret to Living a Luxury Lifestyle

The Secret to Living a Luxury Lifestyle

When people hear the word “luxury,” they often think of the shiny objects associated with that lifestyle.  Fancy cars.  Big houses.  Extravagant vacations.  Flashy jewelry.  Designer clothes.  An overflowing bank account.  The bitter truth is that you can have all of the above, still, be unhappy and unfulfilled, and have no idea where to look … Read more

What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

Spirituality means something different to everyone, and everyone expresses it differently. I describe spirituality as a lifestyle of connection. Connection to self, connection to others, and connection to all that is. It’s a moment to moment practice where I encourage myself to choose the path that moves me forward. In my book SOAR, I give … Read more

What Do You Believe?

What do you believe

“What is spirituality?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get. I describe spirituality as a process whereby we craft our own belief system based on our own life experiences. Spirituality is very much an individual journey that encourages us to take an introspective deep dive into our life experience and find … Read more

How Food Choices Fuel Your Spiritual Transformation

How Food Choices Fuel Your Spiritual Transformation

Did you know that the food you eat plays a huge role in your spiritual growth and transformation? In my book SOAR (now available in paperback, audio book, and kindle!) I share my journey to plant-based eating and outline the benefits of said lifestyle.  Choosing a diet chock full of high-vibe foods has undoubtedly catapulted … Read more