Make Big Waves by Embracing a Rainmaker Culture

Make Big Waves by Embracing a Rainmaker Culture

Corporate America is at a major turning point, and businesses are in the midst of a huge paradigm shift as companies assess what needs to go, what needs to stay, and what needs to be introduced. “Business as usual” modes of operation no longer cut it in this rapidly changing landscape and companies are forced … Read more

How to Deliver World-Class Client Service

How to Deliver World-Class Client Service

Ever wonder how to deliver world-class client service? I used to wonder, until I got to work along-side a great leader for nearly a decade, on one of our Fortune 100 clients: Caterpillar. In the actuarial world, my boss Steve wasn’t just jack of all trades, he was master of them all.  You name it … Read more

Step Aside IQ, EQ is the Key to Success

Step Aside IQ, EQ is the Key to Success

Did you know that EQ is the true key to success, not just IQ? EQ accounts for nearly 90% of what sets high-performers apart from peers with similar technical skills and knowledge, according to a Harvard Business School study. That’s right – 90% First off, let’s define IQ and EQ, and what falls under each. … Read more

Authentic Leadership is the Future of the Business World

Authentic Leadership is the Future of the Business World

We’re stepping into a new paradigm of life and business, and it’s calling business leaders to a whole new level of leadership. During a recent interview, I was asked what I think the business world is in need of most right now. My response: AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP. Authentic leaders know who they are and what they’re … Read more

What’s Your Big Idea?

What's Your Big Idea

I’ve always loved the idea of big ideas. So much so that back in the day, after working long days at my corporate job as an actuary, I used to come home and binge-watch the CNBC show, The Big Idea. The Big Idea, hosted by the Queens-raised marketing and advertising mogul Donny Deutsch, featured business … Read more

I’m Just Tryin’ to Stay Out of AA

I'm Just Tryin' to Stay Out of AA

Well I’m not, but country singer Walker Hayes is. And he sings about it openly in one of his recent smash hits,  “AA.”   In it he pairs the catchy, light-hearted, sing-along style riff with a somber topic: his struggles with alcoholism, striking the perfect blend to bring such taboo topics onto center stage. And the … Read more

You’re Gonna Miss This

You’re Gonna Miss This

I remember hearing the song You’re Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins for the first time when it was released in 2008, when my oldest daughter was four. With a 4 year-old, 18-month old, and newborn, I was steeped in all things motherhood – homemade baby food, homemade playdough, and sky-high piles of laundry, and … Read more

A Little Story about Fear, and my Boobs

LA 3-23

I don’t usually talk about my boobs, but when I do, it’s serious business. Ok, this is where I explain my recent mammogram experience to an audience that is predominantly male. This oughta be fun 🙂 So I went for a routine mammogram screening recently. I’ve been going for years now, and every year I … Read more