My Blog
Welcome to my blog! We discuss real topics, not just feel-good topics. We are judgement-free. We are all students and teachers in our spiritual practice, and there is no better vehicle for learning about ourselves than interacting with each other in our daily lives.
I tell it like it is. The most authentic way of aligning with who we are is by honoring and celebrating ourselves, without fear and doubt. Humor is a big part of who I am, so don’t be surprised if deep spiritual concepts are counterbalanced with situational humor. I promise to always bring my authentic self, and encourage you to do the same.
I love to write about what people want to read, so email me and let me know what you would like to see!
Let the Universe Take the Wheel
Okay, so today, we’re doing a little storytime. This might be a good time to make some popcorn, coffee, or whatever helps you settle into this post because it’s gonna be longer than usual. I want to share a personal experience I had, and not just tell you but show you how spirituality works in…
Develop a System To Empower Your Entire Household
It’s back-to-school time in my household, and with this time of year comes more structure. I love getting everyone back into their routines, and every year, I think about ways to improve how we operate and help everyone become even more independent. I’m big on making operations smooth. The smoother the operations, the more time…
Leaders – Ask Your Team These 3 Questions
We’re stepping into a new paradigm of life and business, calling business leaders to a whole new level of leadership. Over the last three articles, we’ve covered three important aspects of leadership in the new paradigm. In case you missed them, you can find them here: This article aims to relieve the overwhelming pressure high-achievers…
Leadership is Mostly a Solitary Experience. Here’s Why.
As a leader, your greatest power of influence is in your alignment. There’s simply nothing more magnetic than a leader who’s in touch with who they truly are. When you’re aligned, you no longer have to labor so hard to inspire people. Instead, they’re naturally inspired by the clarity of your example. So that said,…
The Real Purpose of Leadership
What is the true purpose of leadership? Before we dive into that concept, let’s explore a deeper question… Why are we on this earth? We live in such a complicated world, with unhealthy temptations, material distractions, external expectations, internal limitations. But as I see it, life can be simplified into two main principles: We are…