Leaders – Ask Your Team These 3 Questions

We’re stepping into a new paradigm of life and business, calling business leaders to a whole new level of leadership.

Over the last three articles, we’ve covered three important aspects of leadership in the new paradigm.  In case you missed them, you can find them here:

  1. This article aims to relieve the overwhelming pressure high-achievers experience by   inviting new energies into the mix.
  2. Here, I present leadership as a spiritual practice that facilitates awakening.  Relax – no need to turn in the keys to the sports car.  You can have it all.
  3. Spending time alone gives you the space to choose the energy from which you lead – the energy of joy, creativity, inspiration, solution orientation, and mission focus.

New-paradigm leadership also involves moving away from “telling” and into asking questions.  And not just any questions – powerful questions.

I believe that the best leaders are the ones who have the wisdom and the courage to dig deep – with themselves and with those they lead, whether it’s a family or a multi-billion dollar organization.

That said, I’m giving you a page out of my playbook – one that I use in business and my personal life.

What else do I need in order to be a happy, healthy, thriving human being? 

Notice – “human being,” not just “employee.”

As the world shifts into a more integrated way of living and working, leaders need to take a holistic approach to caring for their employees.  The concept of work/life balance is fading away and being replaced by work/life integration, a much-needed shift.

People bring their whole selves to work.  If people are happier, energized, and rested, they’re going to be more productive and engaged.  If people are undervalued and burnt out, turnover and profitability suffer.

How the members of an organization feel drives everything, from the way they show up straight through to the P&L.

Embedded in this question is also a “how do I feel?” check-in because you can’t determine what else you need unless you’re aware of where you are currently.

“What else you need” comes in a multitude of forms – maybe you need more sleep.  More peace.  Cleaner food.  More nature.  More accountability.  More proactivity.  More assertiveness.  More organization.

And thriving – we don’t just survive here; we aim for thriving.  This life is too short to just get by.

I started training my kids (ages 19, 16, 15, and 12) to ask themselves this question every day, and the shifts I’ve noticed have been astounding.

What am I feeling inspired to do?

Act from a place of inspiration, not obligation.

Of course, we all have things we have to do in life and business that need to get done, and certain things are required.

What’s true for all of us, regardless of where we fall on the org chart, is that our best work comes through inspiration.

In order to receive the inspired energy, we need to create the space to allow it in.Based on my experience running large corporate teams, as well as a bustling family, I believe the first place to look to make room for more creativity and inspiration at all levels is in the operations of the organization.

Think about how much time, energy, and attention can be freed up by tightening operations and ensuring business runs smoothly.  Less errors, less backtracking, and fewer miscommunications translate into more room for inspiration.

How does this move me forward?

Whether we’re talking about individuals or an organization, we should embody the spirit of growth.  If we don’t, then what are we even working toward?

Growth, evolution, expansion, call it what you will.  They’re all forward-looking.

So, let that energy and commitment drive your daily choices.

When you start running the “How does this move me forward?” program in your mind, over time, you naturally start making the choices that honor yourself in every moment.

And heads up, the choice that moves you forward is often harder to make in the moment.  

Working out rather than laying on the couch is the choice that moves you forward, but it takes more effort and energy.  Setting boundaries rather than people-pleasing is the choice that moves you forward, but it takes more effort and energy.  Giving direct feedback rather than saying “it’s fine,” when it’s not is the choice that moves you forward, but it takes more vulnerability.  Exiting a conversation where people are gossiping and complaining is the choice that moves you forward, but it takes more courage.

Rest assured, the more you practice this, the easier it is.

Have fun incorporating these questions into the way you live and lead.

I’m always here if you’re ready to work with me one-on-one.