My Blog

Welcome to my blog! We discuss real topics, not just feel-good topics. We are judgement-free. We are all students and teachers in our spiritual practice, and there is no better vehicle for learning about ourselves than interacting with each other in our daily lives.
I tell it like it is. The most authentic way of aligning with who we are is by honoring and celebrating ourselves, without fear and doubt. Humor is a big part of who I am, so don’t be surprised if deep spiritual concepts are counterbalanced with situational humor. I promise to always bring my authentic self, and encourage you to do the same.
I love to write about what people want to read, so email me and let me know what you would like to see!
The Secret To Creating Happiness
Want to know the secret to creating a reality that blows your mind? Gain control of your emotions. It’s that simple. The Impact of Our Emotions Everything comes to us through us, and the emotions we cast into the universe dictate what is echoed back to us. Emotions like peace, love, joy, and gratitude are…
4 Powerful Keys to Living Life on Your Terms
Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are drifting through this life in an unconscious reality, subscribing to socially-accepted norms and following a path that attempts to fulfill expectations placed upon us. It often isn’t until a life-changing event occurs that we are prompted to assess how we are living and may contemplate making changes,…
How To Keep Your Pitcher Full
You all have responsibilities, and a lot of them. It’s so easy to spread yourself thin as you tend to family obligations, work responsibilities, errands, your homes, your cars, and several other mandatory activities that are required to keep your lives running smoothly. That is why you need to find out how to keep your…
Happy New Year!!
Pair the word “new” with just about anything and you totally have my attention….NEW year. NEW week. NEW idea. NEW opportunity. NEW friend. NEW vision. NEW chapter. NEW baby. NEW puppy. NEW York City (just had to…that’s where I am as I write this!!). I spent so many years fearing and avoiding change. After following…
What Is Happiness?
Let’s just jump in off the high-dive, shall we? Strip away the house, the fancy-schmancy car, the job title, the economic status, the jewelry collection and all the other things that society tells us we need to be happy. What’s left? You. Your consciousness. Who are you? Now we’re getting somewhere. Society conditions us I…