My Blog

Welcome to my blog! We discuss real topics, not just feel-good topics. We are judgement-free. We are all students and teachers in our spiritual practice, and there is no better vehicle for learning about ourselves than interacting with each other in our daily lives.

I tell it like it is. The most authentic way of aligning with who we are is by honoring and celebrating ourselves, without fear and doubt. Humor is a big part of who I am, so don’t be surprised if deep spiritual concepts are counterbalanced with situational humor. I promise to always bring my authentic self, and encourage you to do the same.

I love to write about what people want to read, so email me and let me know what you would like to see!

Choose Today To Turn Your “Somedays” Into “Todays”

This past Friday, on the way home from picking my son up from hockey, we were having a typical, light-hearted conversation, until we both noticed something further up the road. We saw a few clusters of cars that were pulled over to the side of the road, and as we got closer, we saw a…

6 Ways To Keep Your Chakras Aligned

What Are Chakras? Chakras are energy centers in the body. These spinning wheels of energy and light play a huge role in our well-being – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Each chakra is responsible for a certain region of the body, and it is important to keep them open and operating optimally. This article will…

How To Shift Into A Mindset of Service

A few weeks ago my kids were being super energetic, shall we say, in the family room, which is right next to the kitchen. I asked them to be a little quieter, because I was working. My eight-year-old swiftly corrected me and said “Mom, you don’t work, remember? You help people.” She was right –…

How To View Spirituality As An Individual Journey

Bloom in Your Own Season This last week, I sat outside on my cousin’s deck in sunny Southern California, when I found myself drawn to a newly-bloomed, bright, fuchsia rose. I admired nature, marveling at how flowers all bloom in their own season. All we have to do is sit back and observe. The spiritual…

How To Replace Waiting With Patience

We often associate patience and waiting together, but that isn’t entirely accurate. “What’s the difference?” you may be wondering. Energetically speaking, everything. In this message I’m going to show you how to shift from waiting into a state of patience. Waiting for something comes from a place of lack and wanting, and fixating on the absence…