‘Tis the Season for Giving

I love this time of year for many reasons, and my favorite reason of all is giving.

There are so many opportunities to give- sponsoring families for the holidays, donating to toy drives, volunteering- the ways are endless.

I’ve always been fascinated by the dynamics between giving and receiving and how interrelated they are.

The more we give, the more we receive, and the more we receive, the more we can give.

Some people say money can’t buy happiness, but if your happiness is driven by putting smiles on people’s faces, it sure can.

If your happiness is driven by making someone’s day a little brighter, it sure can.

If your happiness is driven by giving someone a glimmer of hope, it sure can.

If your happiness is driven by providing warm clothes for someone, it sure can.

If your happiness is driven by cooking comforting food for someone going through a rough time, it sure can.

If your happiness is driven by giving from the heart, it sure can.

My happiness is driven by empowering others to take care of themselves.

I love giving the gift of empowerment.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving the whoooooole year (I had to.  Name that movie.)

Along these lines, I had an epiphany recently while organizing my basement.  

I came across boxes and boxes of my book SOAR – probably hundreds of copies.

I picked up a copy and started to re-read sections of the book.  It was so surreal.  There were sections I literally don’t even remember writing as I cranked the book out so fast in an exercise of pure channeling.

It hit different.

A sense of urgency washed over me – “I need to get these in the hands of those who need it.”

Sometimes, all it takes is one phrase, one sentence of encouragement, for someone to decide to start transforming their life.

So what I’ve decided to do in 2024 is put together care packages and pair the book with other comfort items, such as a warm blanket, mug, tea, or other self-care items, and donate them to organizations that help people get back on their feet.

If you or anyone you know is interested in providing new, non-perishable items to include in this initiative, reach out to me, and we’ll coordinate.

In what new ways do you feel inspired to give more?  I’d love to hear.

From the bottom of my heart, I so appreciate you.