The Art of Aligned Communication

The Art of Aligned Communication

Communication. It’s something we all do in some way, shape, or form every single day, but is it as connected, intentional, and meaningful as it could be?   Learning to communicate in a way that honors who we are is a big piece of the spiritual journey. I believe that there is no more powerful portal … Read more

12 Easy, High-Vibe Recipes

12 Easy, High-Vibe Recipes

Ok, I admit it, I love grocery shopping. Why? Because I get to buy all these amazing foods to nourish my body. I love running through the produce section (that’s my version of a kid in a candy store) and then coming home, cranking the music, and doing my food prep for the week.  A … Read more

7 Secrets to Living in Alignment

7 Secrets to Living in Alignment

Are you living in alignment? You may have heard the word “alignment” before, but perhaps you’re not quite sure exactly what it is, or why it’s even important to live in alignment, or how to even get there. This week we’re going to explore the what’s, why’s and how’s of alignment. Alignment is one of … Read more

10 Ways To Get Into the Spirit of Appreciation

10 Ways to Get Into The Spirit of Appreciation

I believe that getting into the spirit of appreciation is one of the most powerful shifts we can make in our life. Why? It helps us feel better now, and given that we create our reality based on how we feel, we attract better things for us in the future.   One of the reasons we … Read more

6 Life-Changing Ideas for a Healthier Body

6 Life-Changing Ideas for Healthier Body

When you turned 16 years old, if someone gave you a brand new car and told you that was the only car you would ever have, what would you do? You’d probably take really good care of it. You’d get the oil changed on schedule, take it in for maintenance checks, rotate the tires frequently, … Read more

8 Ways To Make Your Home Happy and Peaceful

8 Ways to Make Your Home Happy and Peaceful

Looking to create a happy and peaceful life? Start with creating a happy and peaceful home.   Our surroundings have a huge impact on the way we feel, and we attract based on how we feel, so taking steps to create your high vibe home is a worthwhile use of time and energy. Over the last … Read more

What Stage of Change Are You In?

stage of change

When we’re in the throes of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of where we are.  Sometimes we feel like we’re on autopilot going through the motions. We often get sucked into activities that don’t move us forward and create a lot of pressure and noise without any real benefit. The spiritual journey looks … Read more

Overwhelm Doesn’t Have To Be Your Permanent State of Being

Overwhelm Doesn’t Have To Be Your Permanent State of Being

I’ve been hearing the word “overwhelm” a lot lately, so I’m feeling inspired to write about it this week. I’m no stranger to the feeling of overwhelm. I have been in that place many times before, and it’s one of my least favorite feelings. Nothing good ever seems to come from a place of overwhelm.  … Read more

Are You Ready to SOAR?

Best Part of SOAR

As you probably know by now, I published my debut book SOAR last year.  Over the last several months, I’ve had the pleasure of talking to people who have read it, and I am asked the same two questions over and over.  ”What is the best part of SOAR?”, and “How did I choose the … Read more

Awaken the Divine Masculine Within You

Awaken the Divine Masculine Within You

We recently introduced the concept of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies.  As a review, we all have divine masculine and divine feminine energies within us, and when these energies are balanced, we achieve a state of wholeness and completion.   It feels incredibly empowering when you achieve this state and realize you don’t have … Read more