Live Authentically is on the Move!

Live Authentically is on the Move!

Start spreadin’ the news! (cue Frank Sinatra). Live Authentically is on the move. While I love that technology allows us to connect with people all over the world, I still believe in the power of connecting with people in person.  That said, I’m super excited to tell you (through the classics of Frank Sinatra and … Read more

Investment Advice Straight From Warren Buffett

Investment Advice Straight From Warren Buffett

I’ve watched many Warren Buffett interviews over the years, and while he has plenty of stock market savvy to share, there’s one central theme that runs throughout this King of Investing’s advice: Invest in yourself. “By far the best investment you can make is in yourself,” Buffett declares. It’s a piece of advice I’ve taken … Read more

This Secret to Transforming Your Life Will Surprise You

Things to Remember quote with church pictures

Last week when I was in New York City I spent some time at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It’s a time-honored tradition for me, and is something that I look forward to doing every time I’m in NYC. If you haven’t been, St. Patrick’s is majestic and truly a sight to behold.  It’s a refreshing … Read more

How to Make Sleep Your New Best Friend

How to Make Sleep Your New Best Friend

Do you ever…. Have a hard time falling asleep? Struggle to stay asleep? Deal with overthinking in the middle of the night? Take your worries to bed with you? Wake up feeling exhausted? If you said yes to any of the above, you are not alone. Many of the execs I work with struggle with … Read more

Uncertainty is a Gift. Here’s why.

Uncertainty is a Gift. Here’s why.

In my dream the other night, I was bargaining big time. Bargaining with some higher power — God, the Universe, call it what you will. We were talking about the only two givens in life: death and taxes, and I was looking for some kind of loophole. “Can’t I PLEEEASE get out one of the … Read more

Let’s Have a Drink!

Let's Have a Drink

First off, a great big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to tell me what Natty is. I kept wondering “Who’s Natty, and why is she in Styrofoam?” Now I know.  Apparently I live under a rock. In case you missed it, you can check out last week’s newsletter here. Well, I may … Read more

Applebees, Anyone?

Applebees, Anyone

So on Sunday night I found myself standing in front of my bathroom mirror with my daughters learning the TikTok dance to the country music chart-topper, “Fancy Like.” Wait, scratch the “with my daughters” part. I was learning it by myself. Yep. A grown adult in her bathroom learning a TikTok dance on a Sunday … Read more

Supercharge Your Life With These 2 Powerful Questions

Supercharge Your Life With These 2 Powerful Questions

It’s easy to get caught up in the throes of everyday life and keep your head down, focusing on maximizing your productivity. But that isn’t always the answer to accomplishing more. Sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves some questions that help us gain a new perspective, and move forward with … Read more

Fuel Your Business Success With Creativity

Fuel Your Business Success With Creativity

We all have those ideas for hobbies we’d like to do, if only we had the time.  But with 168 hours in the week, I believe we all can find the time to do something creative.  Even if it’s just 15 minutes. What are some of your favorite creative endeavors you used to love to … Read more

A Clear Path to Authentic Living

A Clear Path to Authentic Living

When Daniel and I first connected, he was already a leader in the finance industry, and a highly successful one at that. He was not only excelling on the professional front but was highly present with his big and active family, including four children. It was obvious to me that Daniel was doing well. But … Read more