2023 Word of the Year Is…

Have you heard?

Merriam-Webster just announced the 2023 word of the year.

And guess what it is.


Needless to say, I was over the moon.

Five years ago, when choosing a name for my business, the word authentic kept coming to me.

That’s when the vision came to me.

Authenticity is, always has been, and always will be the answer.

“Authentic” isn’t just a word; it’s an embodiment.  It’s an energy.  It’s a way of not only living but a way of BEING.

And the commitment to authenticity doesn’t only benefit individuals but has a large-scale, powerful ripple effect on organizations.

Authenticity, at its core, is really about connection.  Connection to self, which ultimately promotes connection to others, is the bedrock for any healthy, thriving organization.

I believe that leaders become magnetic when they’re in touch with who they truly are,

They own their story.  They’re real.  They’re relatable.  They’re human.  They’ve experienced a wide range of triumphs and challenges, all of which have played a role in shaping who they are.

Until now, the concept of authenticity hasn’t yet been embraced with intentionality as a leading initiative.  Going forward, however, it will be essential for companies to navigate the ever-changing landscape in business and the world at large.

Realness is magnetic.  People are drawn to and inspired by leaders who exude a zest for life.  This includes leaders who get fired up about their business impact and are passionate about cherishing life’s simple moments.

Think about the biggest problems that plague companies – they’re people problems.  Employee morale.  Employee engagement.  Employee productivity.  Employee retention.

Oftentimes, I see companies putting their efforts and energy into jumping in and trying to fix the symptom rather than tracing back and addressing the deeper root cause.

When we peel back the layers, we may uncover shocking links between the issues companies are struggling with and what’s truly going on in the hearts and minds at the key leadership levels.

Leadership in today’s day and age isn’t for the faint of heart.  It calls for us to rise to a whole new occasion and commit to personal betterment and well-being in unprecedented ways.

And what a tremendous duty, honor, and privilege we all have as leaders to play such an instrumental role in re-templating how business is done and, most importantly, the quality of the human experience.

You’re in a position to help infuse soul into your organization, the lifeblood that will bolster results and allow you to rise above the competition.  And what’s more, you can accomplish this while feeling good about how you’re doing it.

I believe that all leaders have a duty to be firing on all cylinders and show up as the best version of themselves every day.  This isn’t to say that they need to be perfect or be in hustle mode and accessible 24/7.  In fact, I don’t recommend any of these.  All that’s necessary is an open mind, open heart, and unwavering dedication to growth.

Leaders.  The world is counting on you.  Now more than ever, the world needs leaders to light the path for others and show them the way.

And how exactly do you do that?  One small step at a time.  And the first step is making a life-changing decision.  Say “YES” to authentic leadership today, and I’ll hold your hand every step of the way.

And when you do, the issues you and your company struggle with – SOLVED.  People are happier, healthier, freer, and lighter.  But not overnight.  And not without growing pains.  But if you intentionally choose and commit to authenticity and show up and do the work, over time, you will taste the sweet fruits of your labor.  It can’t happen any other way.

Check out my video, where I share more thoughts on authenticity:


Stay tuned for more ideas on living and leading authentically.

And I’m always here if you’re ready for more.