12 Days of Living Authentically – Part 3

I hope you’re enjoying our series on living authentically and are trying out new ideas in your life.

We left off in Part 2 talking about acting from a place of inspiration.

That’s a great place to kick off Part 3, where we talk about showing up with a service orientation, as inspiration and service are closely intertwined.

As I mentioned, there are so many more ways to live authentically, but I wanted to cover 12 main ones to get some momentum going.

Here are ideas 9-12: 

9. Service Orientation

When we show up with the spirit of serving rather than working, we bring a whole new energy to what we do.

It enhances your level of engagement.

It boosts feelings of fulfillment.

It fuels creativity.

Showing up with the spirit of service helps us view what we’re doing as a privilege rather than an obligation.

Our “I have to’s” turn into “I get to’s.”

Start asking yourself every day, in everything you do, “How can I show up and serve?”  I asked myself this question from day 1 in my business, and leading with a value-first, service-focused approach will always be what propels growth for me and my clients.

I also ask myself this question every day with regard to my kids and home.  It even helps transform my perception of otherwise mundane, less glamorous tasks, like organizing and doing laundry, into experiences full of opportunity and appreciation.

How does having a service-based spirit change your perception of what you do?

10. Appreciation

And speaking of appreciation, this deserves special mention.

Remember, we get more of what we think about.  Focusing on the things you appreciate will result in more things to appreciate.  That’s how it works energetically.  Where attention goes, energy flows.  Plus, it just feels so darn good to appreciate, doesn’t it?  To bask in the abundance of all your blessings?  Even if you’re going through a rough time, find one small thing to appreciate.  It’s always there if you look hard enough.

What do you appreciate most, and in what way does it enrich your life?

11. Focus on How You Feel

You attract based on how you FEEL.  That’s the best-kept secret out there.  And it shouldn’t be a secret.

This is why your number one priority should always be to feel better now.  I’m not saying to find the easy button to feeling better now (there isn’t one!), but you should always be on your way to, in the pursuit of, feeling better now.  Ask yourself regularly (as in several times a day) – “How do I feel?” and as a follow-up to that, “What do I need?”

So go ahead, ask yourself those two questions right now.

12. Growth Orientation

The growth-based mindset remains curious about what can be learned.  It knows how to transmute pain into power.  It views adversity as an opportunity to learn, expand, and shed what no longer serves us.  It’s humble and accepts that the more we lean on higher powers and universal truths and surrender to not only what is in our highest good but the highest good for humanity, we will be able to accomplish more and enjoy more than we ever could have.

I hope this 12 Days of Living Authentically series has inspired you to continue showing up as the best version of yourself.  I’d love to hear what you’ve tried, what you feel inspired to try, where you’re thriving and where you need extra help.

It’s truly an honor to serve and support you.  If you’d like to explore any of these ideas further, please reach out to me, and I’ll be excited to jump in and help.