Stop Overthinking, Start Surrendering – Part 2

Stop Overthinking, Start Surrendering - Part 2

Hopefully, you haven’t been overthinking too much about the overthinking newsletter from last week. I just had to!   Anyways, last week we dove into the three ways to overthrow overthinking, and this week we’re going to explore seven more. Here are seven more ways to keep overthinking at bay:  4. Pay attention to how you … Read more

Stop Overthinking, Start Surrendering – Part 1

Stop Overthinking, Start Surrendering - Part 1

Do you find that overthinking is getting the best of you?  Do you find yourself ruminating over decisions you made in the past?  Do you have a hard time making decisions out of fear that you’ll make the wrong choice?  Do you find yourself obsessing about the least favorable outcome?  Do you worry about how … Read more