Authentic Leadership is a Holistic Endeavor

Leadership used to be about optimizing results, often at the expense of an organization’s most precious assets – its people.

Those days are over, friends.

We’re stepping into a new paradigm of leadership, and you’re in the perfect position to pave the way.

Authentic leadership embodies a “people first” commitment and approach, which starts with you and your relationship with yourself.

Want to help me spearhead the movement?

It will require pioneering leaders like you to challenge the status quo, and model a different way of living and leading.

It’s a lifestyle, a mindset, a way of being.

True, authentic leadership really is less about trying to find and fix problems and more about creating, manifesting and claiming unlimited upside in all areas of life.

It calls for a worldview that recognizes and prioritizes the importance of taking a holistic, integrated, and abundant approach.

Step one of making changes of any kind is getting a feel for where you currently are.  This week I’d love for you to reflect on these questions.  If you like to write, make some tea and do a little journaling.  Or go for a walk in nature.  Pick a question you feel drawn to, or reflect on them all.  Have fun with these.

Reflection questions:

What is your life story?
What are the experiences that shaped you?

What do you struggle with?

In what ways do you care for your body?

How do you nourish your mental health?

What does being spiritual mean to you?

What is your current worldview, and how open-minded are you to trying a new approach?

What’s your relationship with fear?

What does living an abundant life mean to you?

What’s the relationship between spirituality and success?

What meaning do worldly achievements have for you?

In a world with so much information available to us, it can be daunting to sift through it all and pluck out the most impactful pieces that move you and your company forward.

Change can be scary, fraught with the unknown, as we’re all pulled toward comfort and familiarity, toward what we know.

But that’s what I’m here for.  I guide my clients through it all.  I pair my real-life, corporate experience with my spiritual knowledge to help you create the life of your dreams, in and out of the office.  I meet you where you are and usher you out of fear and into a trust-filled, faith-based reality. 

I’d love to chat with you!  Let’s take our connection, and YOUR experience, to a whole new level.

And stay tuned! Over the next three newsletters, we’ll be taking a deeper dive on how to nourish your mind, body and spirit.