Wisdom From My Corporate Days – Part 4

Wisdom From My Corporate Days - Part 4

Grab your umbrellas….it’s raining clients! Creating New Business Consider the idea of a rainmaker.  Under the traditional definition, a rainmaker was someone in a revenue-producing role whose primary responsibility was bringing in new business. But that definition is limited in scope and leaves so much room for expansion. The idea of rainmaking needs to be … Read more

Wisdom From My Corporate Days – Part 3

Wisdom From My Corporate Days - Part 3

Next up in our series… Be Proactive Being proactive was part of our standard operating procedures.  Don’t just do what was asked;  ask yourself what additional value you could deliver by thinking ahead- getting in front of it. Don’t wait.  Need something?  Ask for it.  Not hearing back?  Follow up.  Spot an opportunity?  Seize it. … Read more

Wisdom From My Corporate Days – Part 2

Wisdom From My Corporate Days

Building on the foundation we poured in the last article, here are a few more throwbacks from my corporate days that you can add to your toolkit. Review, Review, Review Built into our processes were reviews- multiple reviews. And we had formal processes in place to ensure the reviews happened. Each level of review had … Read more

Wisdom From My Corporate Days – Part 1

Wisdom From My Corporate Days - Part 1

So I’ve been doing a little excavating lately, shall we say, and thinking about my corporate days. As a pension benefits consulting actuary for over a decade, I worked alongside high-level executives at my company, as well as the companies of my Fortune 100 clients, including United Airlines, Kraft Foods, Caterpillar, Bank One, Exelon, and … Read more