Every Business Leader Needs a Spiritual Mentor. Here’s Why.

As you know by now, I firmly believe in the spiritual way of life and live by it every single day.

It doesn’t mean I’m perfect, and it doesn’t mean I’m done working on myself.

It does mean, however, that spiritual alignment is my number one initiative.

I can say with 100% certainty that if I hadn’t anchored on sound, spiritual principles as I built my business, I would have thrown in the towel years ago.

Leaders touch many lives every day – through your family, colleagues, clients, and community.  Hundreds, possibly thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives are affected by the energy you show up with.  The ripple effect is astounding.

That said, when you learn to live and lead from a place of alignment, so many people benefit.

And the quickest way there is working with a spiritual mentor.

While I understand the value of books, podcasts, videos, and articles, I believe there’s no greater resource than a mentor who has done their spiritual work.

I still remember one of the first conversations I had with one of my rockstar C-suite clients.   When he came to me, he was already unarguably crazy successful by anyone’s standards – highly educated, highly ambitious, highly compensated, and highly recognized.  From the outside looking in, he already had it all, but he knew his soul wanted to expand.

When he was contemplating whether or not to work with me, he told me he had read 1,800 personal development books, had some pretty firm mental models, and that he would be my toughest client (meaning I had my work cut out for me to help him overturn some antiquated mental models that didn’t serve him.)

Fast forward to a year after he signed with me, he was fiercely committed to his spiritual alignment, and at this point in time, I’d deem him unstoppable.  Most importantly, I know he believes he’s unstoppable.

In this tech era where it’s easy to portray yourself and your life through filters, it can be difficult to sift through and figure out who’s the real deal.  Pay attention to what people are doing, not just what they’re saying.  When you pair up with someone who walks the walk (not just talks the talk), you also become unstoppable.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of working with a spiritual mentor.

  • Claim unlimited upside in all areas of life
  • Identify and eliminate blind spots
  • Open yourself up to new perspectives
  • Think more expansively
  • Craft a belief system that is true to you
  • Personal empowerment
  • Greater compassion and empathy
  • Claim your worth
  • Move faster and more purposefully
  • Disengage from things that don’t serve you
  • More simplicity
  • Access your intuition
  • Learn how to trust the process
  • Reframe experiences through the lens of growth
  • Less rushing, more patience
  • Attract, rather than chase
  • Relax
  • Feel better
  • More meaning and depth
  • Understand yourself better
  • Become magnetic

Ready to tap into the above?

All it takes to kick-start your spiritual journey is the slightest willingness, the smallest curiosity.  If there’s any part of you feeling the pull to expand, explore, and really step into the unlimited upside, let’s chat.

I so appreciate you being on this journey with me.  Even reading this article speaks volumes about your commitment to growth.

Stay tuned for the next several newsletters, where I will show you how spirituality helps you expand your impact.  I’ll also unpack several core elements of spirit-inspired leadership and show you how you can apply the concepts to your personal and professional life.