Episode 28: How Cancer Allowed My Tears and Smiles To Coexist with Scott Kramer


No one can ever prepare you for loss. No one can ever help ease the pain of being told you’re going to lose someone you love. No one can supplement those moments you fully embrace, not knowing if they are going to be the last. There is NO ONE right or wrong way to deal with loss.

But, what if you didn’t view loss as a dependant of pain? What if you shifted your perspective and focus to something much more profound than what the average person can attempt to, or could care to see and realize?

Scott Kramer and his wife accomplished just that, and still are. On January 4, 2018, their lives shifted from questioning “why,” and quickly shifted into “why it is,” touching the lives of families around the world by sharing their daughter, Maddie’s, beautiful journey.

“I am living authentically everyday because I carry around that little girl on my shoulder.” Scott and his wife lost their 2.5 year old daughter Maddie, to a very rare form of cancer on January 4, 2018. It’s their mission to share Maddie’s journey. Through their loss, they hope to help to inspire other parents and children throughout their walk with cancer.

It’s in a parent’s nature to console, care for, shield, and insulate their children and tell them everything is going to be okay. They do it for their children, but parents do it for themselves too. Accepting the reality of any situation is hard. It’s even more hard when a child needs help processing what her new normal looks like, but it is something that can be done.

Have you ever experienced a loss and pushed against the reality of the situation at hand? Have you ever resisted the inevitable because you weren’t ready to accept its truth? Resistance is part of the journey and part of the healing process. With any loss, there are phases that come to each person uniquely and at different times, lasting various timeframes. It’s part of the flow.

Flowing is simply the act of allowing yourself to deal with that pain. Our ability to flow is heavily dictated by our acceptance of truth and reality. The key to life is being present and mindful.

If you’ve ever questioned “why me”, “why my family” or “why us,” you won’t want to miss this podcast episode. Join host Pamela Savino for The Live Authentically show as she interviews Scott Kramer, a father, a husband and the founder of the Dancing While Cancering organization. It’s an organization established in honor of Scott’s daughter Maddie, who transformed her cancer journey through the art of dance.

To enjoy more authentic conversations with Pam and amazing individuals across the globe, visit Pam Savino’s website at https://liveauthentically.today.