Find your voiceSpeak your truthLive authentically

Live Authentically, LLC & Pamela Savino Has Been Featured In:

Meet Pam
I founded Live Authentically to enrich lives by empowering others to live as their best and true selves. I help my clients discover the inner strength and peace that allow them to find their voice, speak their truth and live authentically. In living your own truth, you inspire others to live theirs.
We all have a spark, a tiny voice that speaks to us. This spark has the power to become a flame and illuminate the path to a life we can only dream of, but is often ignored because of fears or doubt. I can help you ignite that spark, fan your flame and radiate your power and light into the world.

"If it's not mind-blowing, body-strengthening, or soul-stirring, it's not worth your time.”
Health & Wellness
I’m so addicted to feeling good that I can’t tolerate feeling any other way. I love how I feel when I nourish my body with nutritious and delicious plant-based foods, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, practice mindfulness, and coach myself throughout the day with positive and transformative thoughts. When we feel good physically, we exude an energy and vitality that extends into all other areas of our life. No matter where you are on your journey, it is never too late to incorporate new ideas into your holistic regimen.

Spirituality uses our experiences and interactions to craft our personal belief system. Spirituality expands our awareness by examining our lives and the choices we make and recognizing the interconnectedness of everyone and everything. When we look at our life through the lens of spirituality, we learn to trust the process and surrender to the universe’s infinite wisdom.
I strive to demystify esoteric, spiritual topics and teach people practical ways to apply these concepts in their lives. Once we do, there is no limit on what we can accomplish. We become untethered and step out of fear and into love.

Navigating Divorce Consciously & Holistically
Divorce. The word makes people cringe. We’re conditioned to think that divorce has to be contentious. It doesn’t.
Divorce can be highly transformative. It’s an opportunity to take inventory of the respective contributions to the relationship breakdown, and to use that to improve ourselves. We can design our post-divorce reality to look however we want. There are no rules.
No, divorce isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. It disentangles two closely intertwined lives, and there are many considerations, especially if children are involved. There is change in divorce, but there is beauty and magic in trusting the process that our new reality will be better than before.
It’s an opportunity for both individuals to step into their authentic realities and live congruently with who they are. I did, and so can you.